Two Great Albums for Focused Work

· 152 words · 1 minute read

As part of the case study I’m undertaking for my Web Communications assignment I signed up to Last.FM for the first time. I’d heard of the service, but never used it until now. The service itself doesn’t really do anything for me, but it did allow me to rediscover some of my favourite albums for focusing when I need to get things done.

I’ve shared my Focus Mode playlist on Last.FM which is essentially just Girl Talk’s All Dayback to back with Tycho’s album Epoch. Both of these albums are great for the kind of intense focus required to complete a large assignment in a couple of long sittings, or a full day of work. Together they make up an almost three hour soundtrack for getting things done.

The bonus track Spectre is one of the themes from the show Suits, which is one of my favourite shows, with eight great seasons.